“Don’t ask the world what it needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
— Dr. Howard Thurman
Finding and celebrating beauty in the everyday is part of my DNA. When I paint, I pour part of myself onto the canvas. And in so doing, I am walking out the above quotation that so inspires me.
I was formally trained in Scientific and Technical Illustration at Sheridan College (Oakville, Ontario), and have a background in Photography and Commercial Art acquired at the Bealart Vocational Art Program at H. B. Beal Secondary School (London, Ontario). I describe my work as “high realism”. Where possible I like to use my own photographs as reference material. Otherwise I source ideal images and obtain permissions for their use, often tweaking them digitally before using them as reference guides. I have a passion for detail and accuracy that is evident in my work. I love to use bright colours and powerful contrasts to convert the ordinary into captivating, dramatic compositions.
After doing some post-college globe trotting in South and Central America, England and New Zealand (where I have dual citizenship), I began to exhibit and sell my work in 2008 at Art in the Park in my hometown of Stratford, Ontario. Shortly after, I moved to Ottawa (Capital of Canada) and became involved with the local art scene through various local exhibits and gallery showings. It is a privilege to be able to do something that is so fulfilling, and an honour to interact with those who resonate with the art that I create. My work has brightened lives and spaces in corners across Canada, the USA, Mexico, England, Holland, South Africa, Indonesia and New Zealand. While I love to paint from personal inspiration, I also enjoy working with clients to realize their artistic visions and memories in paint.
I currently reside in Ottawa with my amazing husband who also serves as Cheerleader Extraordinaire and Wise Sounding Board in relation to my artistic endeavors. A beautiful, sophisticated cat, and an exuberant, gangly young dog add sparkle and joy to our lives daily. I look to God and time in nature (preferably on a bike or hiking) for inspiration and refreshing of my creative juices. I am amazed and delighted to be living my dream.