Learning the Way of the Cat
I was always a “dog person” and therefore never considered having a cat. And then I met the man of my dreams, and low, he came with a cat. One doesn’t simply discard such a rare opportunity because of a feline. So, by marriage, I became a cat owner.
Although my arm does bear a childhood scar from a cat-sitting incident (in which my furry charge indicated her dislike of something with her claws), I never disliked cats. They were simply foreign to me, and from my observations, many of the stereotypes about their aloofness and smug disinterest towards humans seemed accurate.
Sometimes I joke that I have no heart, or if I do it’s cold and black, but I’ve always had a soft spot for creatures. I cannot tolerate cruelty to animals and seeing them suffer breaks my heart (or lump of coal or whatever it is). Therefore I wasn’t opposed to my husband’s little fur ball joining our family – heck, it was more like I was joining theirs, hopefully not as a wicked stepmother.
Bella and her stuffed plush toy pig
My third encounter with Bella, (the cat who has become mine), involved a sweet gesture on her part. As per feline protocol, cats sometimes like to contribute gifts to their families/friends. Bella has a stuffed plush toy pig that serves as her typical offering. She’s a fairly non-vocal cat, but when she picks up her “baby” (the pig) in her mouth, she starts incessantly meowing, as if announcing the delivery of her splendid gift, as she carries it from from wherever she last put it in the house, to drop it at the feet of the one she loves. It was much to my delight then, to have this little black and white beauty bring me her pig (all the while emitting her muffled meowing through the toy), and deposit at my feet though we’d only met a couple of times.
When my husband and I married because of work schedules, I became the chief kitty little cleaner and purveyor of cat food. That may have helped me gain Bella’s trust (or at least come to expect certain actions of me). I’m sure she had lots to discover about me as I also had much to learn about feline ways. In those early days she freaked me out so many times by seemingly materializing out of thin air. Unlike a dog who can be heard coming – either from their steps, claw clicks, or panting – this cat was stealthy and crept about in utter silence. I’d turn around thinking I was totally alone and there she would be, seated and staring at me as if she’d been there for ages. Now I’ve come to expect these silent appearances and many times mistake other objects on the floor (shoes, a bag, or pile of laundry) for being a curled up cat. I almost feel disappointed when it’s not actually the cat.
Other interesting cat-isms that won’t be new to cat owners are as follows: She seems to derive perverse pleasure from walking directly in ones path, especially if stairs or heavy grocery bags are involved, and doesn’t seem to understand (or care about) the concept of getting out of the way. She also finds really weird sleeping and resting positions comfortable, which can be quite amusing. See the collection of images of her below. The strangest one to me was when she draped her head and front legs over the rungs of the kitchen chairs, making her look very depressed. Thanks to insider information (my husband telling me), she sometimes meows at the door for several minutes after I leave the house. Endearing. And when I return and she hears the lock in the door turning, she comes running to greet me. However, since such an open expression of enthusiasm is beneath a cat, as soon as the door opens, my view is of her tail swishing in the air as she strolls away from the door as if being there at my arrival was sheer, unimportant coincidence. Lastly (for now), I find it bizarre that when in a room with the family, she’ll often go a distance from everyone and sit with her back facing us, even if that means she’s faced with a wall. So weird!!
Weird positions she presumably finds comfortable
A classic cat “treat” is the hacking up of hairballs. Bella has lovely long fur and much to my despair is very resistant to anyone brushing her. Consequently the yields of all her own personal grooming have to end up somewhere. It’s actually a pleasant surprise when she has her hairball barfs on non-carpeted areas. Sadly, those occasions are few and far between. The meme to the ____ could be our cat speaking. I’ll just say I’m extremely grateful for effectiveness of Nature’s Miracle stain remover. It saves the carpets again and again and again.
A pretty accurate meme, and the solution to the resulting mess (Nature’s Miracle stain remover)
She’s not an overtly affectionate girl, but, thank God, she’s also not intentionally destructive. She doesn’t get into things or relish nudging things off shelves. Admittedly, her morning waking hour is far earlier than I would like and her ‘wake up mom’ antics can be infuriating. We call her the Foul Temptress at times because she likes to lie on her back, exposing her glorious snow-white fluffy tummy to the world. It would appear to be an invitation to give her a tummy rub – ah but pity the fool who attempts it. A rapid clawing and biting is the reward of those who fall for the bait of the irresistible tummy.
Despite her quirks, swiping claws, and barfs, it didn’t take long for that adorable little ball of fluff to get me completely wrapped around her white-socked paw. Do I anthropomorphize her behaviors? Probably. Does she really care as much as I hope when I hurt myself and she comes running? Doubtful. Nonetheless, she is a steadfast companion who has captured my heart and I now can’t imagine life without her company. She’s a gift.
Not posed. We truly both fell asleep like this. She’s an awesome hot-water bottle!