Pandemic Art Update
Greetings everyone,
With this update come sincere hopes that you and your loved ones have faired well through this difficult few months and are healthy and well. I also extend a caring “hang in there” to those for whom this Pandemic lock-down has been especially trying.
Since the Quarantine began and the show I’d been preparing for at Rideau Sports Centre (a fitness facility) was postponed, I wanted a break from the subject matter and large sizes I’d been painting (mainly 30”x24” activity scenes featuring dramatic backgrounds) for that event. It seems that exhibition may be able to happen in July. Time will tell. Needless to say, it was fun to do a number of smaller pieces based on my mood rather than adhering to a particular look and feel. Below are some of the fruits of my labour.
Recent works (L-R): “Beauty From Ashes” (sold), “Courage My Heart” (available), “Brighter Days Ahead” (sold)
A number of outdoor art exhibitions in which I usually participate have been cancelled, so I thought I’d jump on a different opportunity that has come to my attention. It’s called the “National Arts Drive By” and is an event created by a group called RAW Artists. The idea is that on June 20th, 2020 (that’s a week from today), artists of all sorts (musical, visual, fashion, etc.) who sign up throughout the region (and world) are invited to showcase their art form outside from balconies, studio or home lawns, in front of their business etc. Then Drivers who have downloaded the interactive map (from, can drive around their communities and check out the various artsy offerings. Physical sales are not the goal here as RAW Artists want to respect health and safety guidelines, but links to artist websites are available and donations/purchases can be made online. I have no idea how it will go but am looking forward to an outdoor art-show feel and hopefully the chance to get to chat with some neighbours or passersby from a distance. If you were local, I’d be over the moon if you drove by! The hours of operation for this particular even are 4:00 – 7:00 pm on Saturday. You can always check out my events on my website if you’re curious.
Finally, my March exhibition at the Civic Hospital in Ottawa was extended about 2.5 months until this weekend! I’ve finally been given the OK to have my work brought out to me by staff and I’ll pack it outside. I’m hoping the weather co-operates! With the hospital Bookstore (that processes purchases) being closed sales were limited this time around but I did sell one piece the day I was hanging the show, and was able to also happy to sell a print (see below) of one of the locked up originals to one of the awesome staff from the hospital. I’m curious to know if there will be inquiries once the art disappears. That is often the case. I get emails asking, “Where did your work go? I was hoping to purchase (fill in the blank)!” I’m ever hopeful!
A print of one of my pieces off to a new home!
I’m still busy with commissions from before and during the quarantine, but having no art shows to take up time, I hope to keep up the painting momentum and delivering custom pieces to my wonderful clients. Thank you for your patience to those who are waiting.
For anyone on social media, I try to be fairly active in posting my work online. I’d love your support if you wish to “Like” or “Follow” my various feeds (Instagram and Facebook links are on top navigation bar).
I’m still accepting commissions for this year so don’t be shy if you have an idea in mind and want to explore having me paint it for you!
Sending my best wishes for your health and happiness,